Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Critical Peach now has its own e-mail!!!

Because the e-mail I have for my second life avatar gets spammed from hell and I rarely even get offline messages! I figured The Critical Peach needed its own e-mail. So, if you have any questions, blog ideas, or places you would like me to check out on Second Life! Be sure to e-mail me at!

(Not all at once people, I don't want popularity to get to my head...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Boom Boom Boooooooooooommmmmmm

Again, I find myself neglecting my blog in the baddest of ways. Shame on me, I’m horrible. I need something to type about. Just not sure what it could or would be. Second Life has been sort of put on the back burner lately. Not counting caring for breedables or being a manager of the club. I just don’t spend the extra time wondering around like I used to. Although I find myself going to random she-male clubs (don’t ask). Anyway, I’m sure when I get the motivation things will be up and running again or you’re just going to get a blog post here and there at random.  

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Second Life Breedables: Virtual pets that make more virtual pets

I wasn’t going to make this a breedable blog (there are so many of them already) but with how huge breedables are in the Second Life community, it would be stupid not to include them here.

If you’re wondering what Second Life breedables are: breedables are virtual pets in Second Life that you can purchase with linden dollars (cha-ching). You can either have them as pets or breed them to make more pets, to either sell or breed more, (it’s like becoming a virtual hoarder, SCORE!). In 2010 the breedable market blew up with different types of breedable pets (might have been sooner but this is when I personally recognized these damn things were taking many shapes and forms). So, now there is a very wide variety to choose from.

There are many types of breedable from horses, bunnies, all up to the mythical, robotic, and extinct kinds. With the amount of different types of breedables that are out there. There is always something for everyone.

Breedables I currently own:

Breedables I have experience with:

Breedables I’ve Beta tested:

Random pictures of my favorite breedables, YAY!!! 


Monday, April 18, 2011

Yes I am still alive

For those of you who may be wondering (or not wondering), yes I am still alive and haven't forgotten about my blog. I have tons of ideas just pouring out of my little mind but just haven't found the right time to start blogging them out. I'm sure I'll come up with something soon.

Hey if you have an idea or want me to check out some crazy place in Second Life, don't be shy to let me know!!! 


(YAY, virtual kitten hugs, bishes! woot!)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A virtual Jerry Springer show…..

So, here I am listening to a little bit of Tori Amos (of course it’s cornflake girl, that’s the only song of hers I like). I am just reflecting on everything that has happen within the past few weeks. It’s been nothing but drama lately and like always I am trying not to get involved (which is almost impossible sometimes).

I have enough dramatic bullshit that is dealt at me within my real life, then I have to log into second life for more bullshit, which starts to become nerve-wracking. But of course like almost anything in the world real, drama in second life cannot be avoided. No matter how hard you try.

That brings me to the awesome idea of looking up videos of second life drama on youtube (I love you , youtube) and maybe that will bring us to some awesome laughs (or at least wonder why we are viewing these videos to begin with). 

Ummmm so, I put in the words “second life drama” and more videos come up then I thought (why am I so surprised by this?) but most of the videos of people arguing pointless arguments over mic come from a place called Club Bootyliciouz. There are tons of videos from this place but I’m going to post a few (if you want to see more than just put in Club Bootyliciouz in youtube search). 

(If you find the N word offensive, don't watch these videos)

(What the......)

Um, yeah, so a lot of these videos I found were from Club Bootyliciouz (not really funny either). I did some research and believe it or not the club is still around. So, I wonder is there anymore second life drama some where other then Club Bootyliciouz? Well, let’s take a look……

(This goes on for about 10 minutes, I didn't even watch this whole video...and guess what!)

(There's a part 2 and it goes on for another 10 minutes.....ended up not watching the whole thing either)

There you have it, fine examples of second life drama. When I get in the mood, I’ll make a post on how to avoid drama (or try to) or stop it before it even starts (if that's even possible). It’s strange how much ugliness the internet and especially second life brings out of people.

If you have dealt with your own second life drama and care to share your story. Do so in the comment section of this post (please do NOT use names, I will delete comments that do).  

Sunday, February 27, 2011

It's my real life birthday and I'll cry if I want too.

No, there is not much crying on my birthday, but I do seem to enjoy hearing that oldie of a song, sung by Lesley Gore (yes, I had to actually look up who sung it, lol).

You know the one..........

"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to,
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to,
You would cry too if it happened to you"

(Not much of a party going on either

Whoever said I didn't like the oldies is out of their mind. 

Well nothing too exciting going on in Second Life. I guess this blog post was kind of pointless but I figured "hey why the hell not. Just blog some random shit and people will be happy." Also, I enjoy wishing myself a happy birthday *giggles*. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Word Strange

Yes, I know, this blog is off to a slow start. This is only my second post and really it sucks. I haven’t really been inspired by anything to truly type in this blog but tonight, tonight was different.

I decided to type the word “strange” in Second Life places search. Yup, I sure did and the verdict was only 60 places appeared. Okay, so maybe I should be a little bit happier about this because I don’t have to go through page after page of stupid crap (or sex places).

Anyway, something really caught my eye, and I mean really did. A place called Halloween Town, and just by the name you should guess what this sim is based off of. Yup, you’re probably thinking “Oh! Tim Burton’s A Nightmare before Christmas!” If not you should be slapped a few times upside the head.

So, I took a little trip to this place to only find that visually the place was brilliant but otherwise pretty damn boring. Oh, and whatever music was playing was kind of stupid. Who wants to listen to some techno Goth crap (you will discover I hate most techno music) while walking around Halloween Town. The sim owners would have been better off playing “This is Halloween” over and over again (of course the Marilyn Manson version, hehehehe). 

While on my visit, I also took snapshots (that’s what we call taking pictures in Second Life, just in case you didn’t know). 

(This is when you first enter the sim, pretty neat, I had my setting up on high)

(Remember the toy duck from the movie? Pretty wicked huh?)

(Jack as Satan, I mean Santa)

(This is probably my favorite part of the whole sim is the fountain!)

(Yeah it was that boring)


(Okay now that's just silly)

(Jack again, near pose balls this time!)

(and Zero, we must not forget Zero!)

And there we have it, Halloween Town and all its glory (disappointing glory). Still a well put together sim although I feel more could have been added and some stuff could have been taken away but I guess beggars can’t be chooser right?

Want to visit Halloween Town on your own?

Here’s the SLURL:

Friday, February 4, 2011

Hello and Welcome to The Critical Peach!

Hello, everyone out there in cyber space land! This is my first attempt at a blog (scary I know, right?). So, please be gentle, I bruise easily. I guess the best thing to do for my first post is to explain fully what this damn blog is about. Well, like I stated in the blog’s description this blog is about the good, the bad, and the downright creepy of the virtual world Second Life. I’m also going to be doing random reviews of Second Life products, stores, clubs, live music, and so forth. So, really this is going to be a pretty diverse blog. Hell, there is no telling what I’ll pull out of my ass and where I will go with this. Please be sure to check back often and see what I have going on.

(Second Life as evil as Wal-Mart)